Did you overdo it a bit this holiday season? No worries! Today is a new day, and you’re about to have a whole New Year to start afresh with! So take our advice: Do not—we repeat—do not beat yourself up.
Beating yourself up for something that’s already done is a total waste of time. Instead, take a second to think about what you learned in the past few weeks. Ask yourself the following five questions to get started. It is important to understand how you felt at every step of the way. Write them down if you need to.
5 Questions to Ask Yourself to Get Back on Track
- Which foods brought me energy? Which ones didn’t?
- How did changing my workout routine make me feel; body, mind and spirit?
- What unexpected events or emotions came up?
- What can I learn from the past few weeks?
- What changes can I make to be successful?
The key point here is to objectively and honestly (with love!) look at how and why you overdid it, and then make some adjustments so as to not get tripped up again. Remember, no one is perfect, and perfect is totally boring. But that doesn’t mean you can’t be the best you that you can be. So quit the self-hating, and get to learning and growing!

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