Monday, January 21, 2013

Eat Clean, Train Dirty Part 1

Clean It Up!

I love the quote "Eat Clean, Train Dirty"... it sums up the lifestyle of fitness and weight loss.  However, what exactly does that mean, "Eat Clean"?  I want to give you a few tips on how to start eating clean in order for you to get the results you want.  Clean eating is a term used to describe whole foods that are non-processed and don't have added refined sugars or hydrogenated oils.  It is eating the way nature intended, the way our bodies are evolved to function best on, and the way that makes you feel - and look - fantastic!  Eating in this fashion, keeps your blood sugar levels stable and you feeling satisfied.

The biggest thing to remember is that this is NOT a fad diet, its a lifestyle change.  You do NOT need to worry about counting calories or carbs!  Eating clean will keep you lean and health for the rest of your long life.  Here are some tips to get you started:

1.  Eat Whole Foods:  The saying goes "Eat foods that either came from the ground or has a mother" but don't take this too literally.  It means have an apple instead of apple sauce or food that came straight from the farm and has not been processed in any way.  Start by shopping at your local farmer's market, stick to the outer circumference of the grocery store, or try to eat organic whenever possible.

2.  Avoid Processed Foods:  Read all ingredient labels!  If you are unsure of what the chemical or added ingredient is, my suggestion is to not put it in your mouth.  The less you eat from a package, box,  or can the better especially if there is added sugar or hydrogenated oils.  Look for things with the word "whole" and avoid the words enriched, bleached, or refined.  Also remember that the shorter the shelf life, the less processed it is.
Try this recipe and many others from

3.  Prepare Your Own Meals:  This tip allows you to tailor sauces, marinades, and packaged items.  Instead of grilled chicken with a sugary/salty marinade and a package of cheesy rice, you can do your own grilled chicken with salt-free seasonings and brown rice with a big helping of vegetables.  Although this takes more time, it is very important in living a healthy life.  Practice planning all meals and getting the ingredients on the weekend, or even cook your meals and freeze them ahead of time for days you are in a hurry.

4.  If You Eat Out, Be Picky:  It's OK to ask for substitutions or to make specific requests.  Ask for your food to be made dry without added stuff to it.  The worst case scenario, you end up eating 2 servings of grilled vegetables instead of those sweet potato fries.

Final Tip:  Know everything you put into your mouth and be picky.  Live healthier and happier for longer!

Start yourself off with a google search: "Eat Clean Recipes" and find some that work for your lifestyle.

Good Luck!
oxox, Em

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