Monday, March 4, 2013

Living Tech Free

OK, so most of us know that living a life that is completely tech free is near impossible in this day and age.  In fact, a good portion of our lives are devoted to technology.  Between, work, home life, kid's homework, social media, staying in touch with friends and family, and finding information on just about anything you can name; we can hardly take our face out of it!  But how has this technology age affected our health?

Technology is literally prematurely aging us.  Not only are the blinking, buzzing, and beeping distracting us from our slower-paced offline projects, but we are constantly waiting for the email response, or are stressing about how many "likes or "retweets" our status will get.  Also some of us even share our bed with this flashing and sound-making device, I bet you can guess that it could be the cause of your inability to sleep.  Lack of sleep is not only making you feel sluggish the next day, but chronic sleep deprivation has been linked to memory problems, heart attacks, obesity, and stroke.  Technology is also stunting our creativity.  Having troubles finishing a project at work?  Turn off the computer and get some fresh air and let your mind think for it's own.  I haven't even yet mentioned what it is doing to us physically.  Most of us look down to a phone or hunch over our computer for a good part of the day putting a lot of stress on our necks and allowing us to have terrible posture.  And the worst position to use your technology... in the car!  A recent study proved that someone on their phone while driving increased their risk for an accident by 23% and even worse, the average length of time someone was on their phone when getting in an accident, 5 seconds.  Now what is that important that it can't wait!!

So now you have heard some of the negatives.  I urge you to try a day or even just 4 hours tech free.  Let yourself be creative, move your body, interact with people face to face.  Need some good activities?  Here are some of my favorite things to do that don't include my phone, iPad, computer, TV... shall I go on??

1.  Cook up a fabulous dinner for you and your friends
2.  Take the dog for a walk or try snowshoeing with a friend
3.  Take a nap and catch up on sleep
4.  Write a hand written note to a loved one (there is nothing better than getting snail mail anymore)
5.  Take an art class... or yoga, or cooking, or join a book club... the list could go on
6.  Get lost in your city... explore the undiscovered
7.  Read a book, when was the last time you visited the library?
8.  Organize! Whether it is your closet or your files, I think you will feel a sense of clarity and freshness when you are finished.
9.  Take a bath, relax, paint your nails, give yourself a facial... nothing better than a spa day
10.  Volunteer.  Put your time and energy into something that is meaningful to you and you will reap many benefits
11.  Play a game... host a family or friends game night where everyone brings a game and a dish to pass.  How long as it been since you have had a really good belly laugh
12.  Do a project and have a craft day

I want to hear what you do when you turn off your technology and how you can benefit from a tech free day!
oxox, Em

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