Wednesday, June 5, 2013

Fresh Ways to Boost Your Energy

Feeling a little blah and fatigued...  Forget trying to live a healthy life, are you just trying to get by?  So many individuals continually run themselves into the ground day after day.  We pile on too much work, don't fuel our bodies appropriately, run on too little sleep and still think we can get through the day like a champion.  Here are some quick, simple tips to get you feeling your best!

1.  Roll out of bed and eat your breakfast... every. single. day.  And include some protein too!  Having a high-quality breakfast every day will help to jump start your metabolism.  When you skip this important meal, your body goes into starvation mode and your metabolism slows down to a crawl just to try to get you through the morning.  When you include protein, you are more likely to feel full longer which will lead to healthier eating habits throughout the entire day.

2.  Re-prioritize your responsibilities.  When we take on too many things at once, we start to get the feeling of overwhelm and exhaustion.  It can be work, family life, school... whatever it is, cut yourself some slack.  Remind yourself, you can't do everything for everyone.  Stress on the body produces hormones called adrenaline and cortisol to prepare your body for the "fight or flight" response.  Although at times this response is essential, our bodies aren't physically meant to be prepared for emergency all the time!  Prioritize your non-negotiables and let some of the not-so-important things slide.  Always reserve time in your day to unwind and relax to reduce tension and increase energy.

3.  Whenever I tell someone who is lacking energy to exercise, they look at me like they might bite my head off!  I know it may seem slightly counter-intuitive, but adding physical activity to your day can actually boost energy levels and mood.  Exercise allows your body to release epinephrine and norepinephrine, your "feel good" hormones.  It will also aid in oxygen circulation throughout the body.  Don't get me wrong though, you don't need to spend tiresome hours on end at the gym to reap these benefits.  Try adding something you enjoy doing or create a family activity such as hiking, bike riding, taking a walk after dinner or try a group ex class.  Even adding some body weight exercises such as squats, jumping jacks, push ups, sit ups, and mountain climbers will help.  Just move and your body will benefit.  

4.  Drink more water.  Simple.  Your body needs it to function properly and you lose more and more every time you breathe, sweat, and use the restroom.  Dehydration is the number one reason for fatigue.  I know that 8 glasses a day is a lot, but you must replenish the liquids in your body.  A good rule of thumb is to try and drink half your body weight in ounces each day.  If you weigh 140 lbs, drink 70 oz of water every day.  If nothing else, try to visit the water cooler every other hour.  The walk over there will probably wake you up too!

5.  Let the sun shine in.  Think about it, when you go outside on a sunny day, your outlook always starts to change and your energy levels improve.  Why?  Research confirms that just a few minutes of sunshine can enhance mood, memory, and the ability to absorb new information.  Certain lighting can actually alter our brain chemistry causing mood shifts.  This is why some people are specifically sensitive to the sunlight and the lack of it during the cold dark months... leading to a specific form of depression during the winter.  If you really can't get outside, at least open the shades and allow the light to shine in.

If you still can't fight the nagging fatigue every day, go see your doctor.  There may be something else that is causing you to constantly drag.  Ask about thyroid disorders or nutritional deficiencies.  It's not normal to feel that heaviness every day.

oxox, Em

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