Friday, March 22, 2013

Are Fashion Models "Too Skinny"?

A new, controversial Israeli law has taken effect as of Jan 1, 2013.  The law bans models who are "too skinny" in an effort to focus on health and wellness.  In a perfect world, I think the idea is great... but will it hold its weight?
The law requires models to prove they have maintained a Body Mass Index (BMI) of at least 18.5 for 3 months prior to a fashion shoot or show.  This means that a 5'8" woman can weight 119 pounds minimum or a model who is 5'10 can be no less than 129 pounds.  The law also requires advertisers to disclose if they have retouched or doctored the photos.
I could not be more thrilled with this law.  I truly believe that young innocent women look up to fashion models and try to emulate their look, style, and of course, their thinness.  Another point to look at, it takes the pressure off the model herself.  Instead of "dieting to death", a model can focus on a healthy, balanced diet and exercise to get the look they want.  Not to mention, most models are still kids themselves, a lot even being under 16!  I only wish we knew how often these lovely young women have honestly been told... "you just need to lose a few more pounds"... but do they really??
Despite all of us who want to congratulate and provide praise for this act, it has also brought a lot of controversy. Some critics say that this law is misguided and is focusing on weight instead of health.  They say it is doomed to fail due to the muscle of the fashion industry.  
Unfortunately designers are the true artists and they want to see women who look like young boys and it will take an awful lot to change their vision.  Can we change their minds with a law?
Even if the media is not the reason of so many cases of Anorexia and Bulemia, can't this law only help in the fight to help those with an eating disorder?  I know this is only a step in the right direction, and the next thing to do would be to educate the population, but so far that approach just hasn't worked yet either.
So what do you think... Are models too skinny?  Are the underweight women shown in the media serving as the main role model for innocent young people?  And do you think that a fashion model should be required to maintain a minimum weight and should even be turned away in the event of being "too skinny"?
oxox, Em

*pictures from google

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