Thursday, January 17, 2013

Release Your Inner Kid

The The Things You Should Have Never Stopped Doing

1.  Tell the Truth
Kid's put it all out there.  Of course they don't mean any harm, and as we get older we get more tactful but we also tend to bury our emotions and feelings all too often.  Allow the freedom of letting your true self surface once again!

Pic from girl.woman.soul blog
2.  Jump in puddles (or snow mounds)
As adults we tend to get too dramatic about the weather.  When did this happen... oh yes, when we lost our imagination.  Let loose, jump in the puddle, make a snow angel, and don't let the weather get the best of you (cause let's be honest, you can't change it... so we should change our attitude)!

3.  Move Spontaneously
Do you remember singing at any hour of the day, dancing in the grocery store, or leaping around the house?  As adults we stop living in the moment and our self-conscious sets in.  I'm not saying you need to get up and dance in your cubicle, but do Zumba or rock climbing for your workout.  It will give you a sense of freedom in movement and will feel so good!

4.  Test Limits
As children, we were on a never ending quest to see how brave we were.  Pumping higher and higher on the swing set, pedaling faster and faster on the bike, or climbing to the top branch of a tree.  We have confined testing our limits to our career and more acceptable measures but it is important to run as fast as we can and jump as high as possible (maybe run a marathon, compete in a triathlon, or find a mountain to conquer)... just because we can.  Let your superhero soar!
Pic from the visit Alesund-Geiranger website

5.  Laugh Often
Sure you maybe chuckle politely with your coworkers but we have all lost touch of that belly laugh that could last for minutes on end.  As kids, we found delight in the most simplistic, inane ideas and now we barely stop to see what is going on around us.  So go to stand-up night, rent a comedy, vacation at an amusement park, or let loose with your friends.  The laughing will decrease stress and in turn have great benefits for your heart.

So think about it... when was the last time you had a good laugh, jumped in the puddles, or tested your limits?  Let your inner kid be released and enjoy every minute of it!

oxox, Em

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