Friday, February 22, 2013

Think Slim | Part 1

To start on the right track you need to get your head in the game.  It ALWAYS starts at mind over matter. When you start thinking a certain way of life, you start living that way of life.  When you start living the thin, healthy, fit way of life, you will see the results (even if it takes a little time).  So here are some tips to start thinking slim.

1.  Dessert is best on a full stomach - This course is eaten last for a reason: Fill up on nutrient-rich foods first, so we don't hungrily take down a hunk of "empty calories" after.  So just take few bites of that treat to satisfy and push it aside.

2.  Swaying is for Trees - A report from the Journal of Consumer Research stated that if a thin pal orders a big meal, her table mates are likely to follow suit.  Lock in your healthful choice first so there is no changing your mind.

3. Food is NOT a trophy - "You deserve a cookie for that!"  We often eat a treat as a quiet celebration instead of tooting our own horns.  Let me tell you, satisfying yourself with say a brownie will be quite short lived (and is often followed with guilt and stress).  Pick a reward that will still feel like a prize the next day... say putting money into that vacation fund! :)

4.  "Because it's there" is a fine reason for climbing Mount Everest, not for eating a treat - Before you reach for the stale donut in the conference room or the sample cookie in the supermarket, ask yourself if you truly want it; and if not... skip it!  Most of the time we don't register these little nibbles as calories, but they do add up!  Create your own motto and rules for these certain occasions.  "I splurge only on dark chocolate  or "Only 5 sweet treats a week".  

5.  If it's sweet, but not fruit, it's NOT breakfast - Doughnuts and danishes and anything of the such may provide a whooping 500 + calories, but they most definitely don't deliver on the energizing protein which will leave you asking for more.  Like to start your day with something sweet?  Try scrambled egg whites with fruit salad.

This will be a great start to the healthier you... watch for more tips and tricks to thinking slim!
oxox, Em

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