Friday, May 17, 2013

Nutrition | Ditch the Extremes

Wouldn't it be ideal if we all had the energy, the time, or even the resources to eat clean and fresh ALL THE TIME... but we don't.  Being realistic with yourself if a key part of if you will be successful with weight loss.  Although I truly believe your nutrition is a huge aspect of becoming healthy; often times the healthiest of individuals are not on the extreme diets (yes those individuals who are on extreme diets are pretty healthy too)... but realistically those lifestyles don't fit into most of our lives.  Often times we need time-savers, convenience options, or we just want to have a treat.  I always tell my clients, don't go to the extremes... this should be something you can stick with, it's a lifestyle... this isn't a diet anymore.  So, I have come up with some easy and key pointers to taking the middle road.  No extremes here, just a healthy, well-balanced diet for someone who enjoys taking care of themselves and also treating themselves.

1.  When in doubt... Drink more water.  If water were a food, it would be the ultimate food.  It would be expensive and people wouldn't be able to get enough of it.  Think about it... it aids in digestion, prevents heart disease, is an appetite suppressant, and even helps with clear skin (and that's not even the half of it).  We waste too much of our time on sweetened drinks because water is boring...  stop wasting your time people.  Water is where it's at.  Come on, some researchers have even gone so far as to say water helps you lose weight.  Drink it!  Need a tip?  While at work, keep a cold thermos pitcher of water with a glass so you don't have to get up and down to fill your cup.  On second though, it doesn't hurt to get up at least once an hour to move.

2.  Color is nutrition.   So this may only be a generalized rule of thumb, but it is also generally true.  Think of your fruits and veggies... spinach, kiwi, squash, berries, carrots, broccoli; all jam-packed with vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants... need I say more?  Ok, how bout these... cheese, french fries, white rice, white sugar, white flour; these all seem to be dull beige and white foods... eat them in moderation.  Lastly, if the color is in the skin of our veggie, leave it on.  Think eggplant or cucumber.  I think you're figuring it out.

3.  Write it down.  Not only have researchers proved that it helps with weight-loss, but it is also a healthy way to hold you accountable.  Who wants to put in their food journal that they just downed a quarter-pounder with cheese and a side of fries... don't forget that large Coke.  Also, don't forget to write down just the food.  Add comments and thoughts.  You may find that you are constantly uncomfortably full after eating (this isn't good) or that you are munching on the worst things post a stressful day at work or bad relationship fight (not good either).  Write it down, recognize how you feel, and then work to change these bad behaviors.  After all, they are just habits.

4.  Make your salads fun.  We all seem to enjoy a good salad at a fantastic restaurant, but when it comes to eating them at home, we won't take the time on them.  Prepare your produce on the weekend and store them in containers or mason jars.  Cut up lettuce and spinach, and chop some of your favorite veggies.  Get enough for the whole week.  Then find a healthy homemade salad dressing to top it off.  If it's all at your finger tips when your in a hurry, you will be more likely to eat it.

5.  If it has a label, it isn't fresh.  We must stop reading so much fine print for calories and nutritional facts, I wish those products just said... "Stop, don't eat me!"  Here's the deal, all of those foods have been altered, modified, and messed with.  Even your healthy energy bar that says it has dried fruit and nuts has a label right?  Why not just buy the dried fruits and nuts then??  This way you can be sure it hasn't been chemically altered.  A little too strict for you?  Try sticking to the perimeters of the grocery store (where all the freshest foods are) or don't buy a product with more than 5 ingredients in it.  It's a good start!

6.  If I had celery sticks, would I eat those too?  We are constantly meandering over to the fridge and peering in... like something magical might appear that we weren't expecting.  Guess what it's always the same thing you bought from the store.  With this comes 2 simple rules.  a) If you don't buy the junk, it won't be in your fridge, and you therefore won't eat it on a regular basis.  And b) If your hungry you would eat the celery sticks, if your craving you will probably pass.  If you choose to pass, that doesn't mean you can grab the bag of Doritos.  So ask yourself... "Am I really hungry, or is it all in my head?"

7.  Garlic is always the right answer.  This happens to the best of us; we purchase tons of veggies on a health kick but then they sit around to rot in our fridge cause we just don't know what to do with them.  When in doubt, saute with olive oil, garlic, and pepper.  Works every time!

8.  I'll get the 8 oz sirloin with a side of broccoli and a doggy bag.  Probably 90% of the restaurants you are eating out in have portions that could feed your whole family plus the dog.  Bag up half of your meal before you even start.  We are creatures of habit and we all remember our mom saying... "you better clean your plate; there are starving kids in Africa."  Now you can clean your plate and feel comfortable and have a second meal for lunch the next day.  Now I just saved you time too :)

9.  Hit pause.  Slow down and stop mindless eating.  Too often we find ourselves eating in front of the t.v., in the car, or in front of our work computer.  We just shovel in the food as fast as we can and then ask for more.  This is not right.  Slow down and think about each bite.  Enjoy your food.  It takes the brain up to 20 minutes to realize it is full so ideally we should not wolf down as much as we can in those 20 minutes as possible.  Eat a serving, give yourself time, THEN... if you still feel hungry, and only then can you go back for seconds.

10.  Finally... Treat yourself.  I'm not saying everyday, but I'm saying if you are going out for a drink or ice cream with friends, don't make yourself the outcast.  One treat or one meal is not going to make you fat and unhealthy and likewise one healthy meal won't make you fit.  Realize that a healthy person eats a healthy well-balanced diet MOST of the time, buts also enjoys a treat from time to time.Quit making yourself insane and take the middle road.  What tips or tricks do you do to help you keep your well-balance diet?  oxox, Em

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