Monday, May 20, 2013

Should You Take a Cheat Day??

It's important to first understand what your cheat day does for you.  This is not a day to all out binge on whatever you want, but it is a way to remember the mantra... "everything is OK in moderation".  That being said, allowing yourself one day a week, I typically choose a weekend day when I know I'm busy or out and about doing something, where I will treat myself.  This means I might have a big juicy burger, a piece of pizza, or maybe some ice cream with friends.  (Try not to do all 3 in one day though!)  This idea also helps to keep me sane during the week and I never uncontrollably cheat either.
Most people think exercise and diet are an all or nothing concept.  NOT TRUE.  Do what you can and make the best out of sticky situations.  Here is the thing about "cheat days"... you typically take a day off of exercise, you maybe sleep in extra late, you eat some of your favorite treats, and you enjoy time with family and friends.  There are benefits to all of these I promise!

First off, your muscles need time to rest and recover.  This might be active recovery by choosing something you love to do like hiking or kayaking; or it may mean taking the day off completely.  That's OK!  Giving your muscles time to recuperate is healthy and it allows you to be ready for your next week's of workouts while making sure you give it your best.

Second, you will not crave and gorge uncontrollably.  Back to our healthy mantra of "everything is OK in moderation"... One bad meal is not going to break you... better yet, it will not set you back a whole lot either.  In fact, you will be less likely to feel like you lack the control in your diet by having cravings during the week and leading you to feel deprived.  Good advice would be to schedule your cheat day in advance so that you don't have too many slips during the week.  Fitness and weight loss is all about the plan!

Finally, sleep is uber important and trust me... it works!  I can tell you how important I think sleep is for weight loss and a healthy life.  Taking a day to sleep in and stay in your pj's extra late is not only good for your body but the mind and soul too!  :)  Sleep regulates hormones in the body and allows you to recover from a stressful week or both work, family situations, and workouts too!  If you naturally wake up at the crack of dawn, try going to bed early one day in particular to make sure you catch some extra zzz's.  And it's not a bad idea to focus on your relaxation during this time too.  Do something you enjoy or better yet schedule a massage and facial.  Some much needed pampering time.
Hopefully each of you can use this as motivation.  Don't focus on the all or nothing, but what you can achieve.  Each day is a new day and take each meal and moment individually as they come.  To get you started, I have listed my "Rules of the Cheat Meal"... Read on...

1.  Don't feel guilty.  That's not the point.  Enjoy it, savor each bite.  If you feel guilty you are definitely missing the point and you probably should stop eating it.
2.  Plan the meal.  Like I said fitness and weight loss all deal with the plan.  An indulgence should not be spur of the moment, but you should have a day/meal in mind that you know you will not be able to eat right... dining out with friends, hot date for ice cream... etc.
3.  Don't throw portion control completely out the window.  This is your time to enjoy a treat not a license to binge.  Cheat meals are good, binge eating is not healthy!  Take control of yourself.
4.  Finally, don't dwell on it... move on.  Allow yourself to fully enjoy each second of your cheat, but then move on.  What you shouldn't do is allow it to be a gateway for more and more unhealthy meals.  Get back to your schedule and you will feel a lot better about giving yourself that cheat day when it comes around.   

Good luck!
oxox, Em

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