Tuesday, March 19, 2013

Congrats Danni

Congrats to Danni Biggest Loser Winner! 

The Biggest Loser is a very popular show in my house.  The amazing transformation that each of these individuals go through is so inspiring!  The thing I have always questioned though, are they losing weight the right way?  

It is hard to say that each of them will be able to take these tools into the rest of their lives after living in complete isolation for 3 months.  Think about it, their job is now to exercise, they are provided with they food they need to eat, the doctor visits them on site, and the coaches are there to motivate...  Easy, right?  

Wrong.  Each one of these individuals did something that half of America wishes they could.  They got their life back.  What do we always say when someone is that overweight or obese that it makes them ill?  We say that they must take care of themselves first!  I truly believe that that is exactly what each of these individuals need and did.

It will not work for everyone, in fact, one contestant even left early on in the show, but that's OK.  Take the time to find out what works for you and do it.  Each of these individuals now knows the hard work that goes into taking care of themselves and that hopefully means they will not go back to their old ways.  Besides, they now have extensive training in the "taking care of me!"

I encourage each of you to find what works for you.  How can you best take care of yourself?  Do you need a jump-start week on a resort or can you find a personal trainer to see once a day?  Either way, do it.  By the look of each contestant on the show, it will be worth it!

If you need help getting started, ASK!  That's why we are here, our passion is not only fitness, but it is to take care of others.  My most successful times comes from seeing people that I have inspired to take their life back!

oxox, Em

p.s.  I must mention that she also gained 19 pounds of muscle during her 3 months at the Ranch.  And damn... her arms look good!!  You go girl!

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