Wednesday, January 9, 2013

Are you ready for change?

I was shocked the other night while watching the Biggest Loser when I found out that one participant was already leaving the ranch.  I have worked with a lot of individuals who have not been fully committed, but after the right amount of coaching and thinking about the process, they start by making small changes in order to work toward their final destination.  Looking at the Biggest Loser process, I can understand why jumping into the ranch can be a stressful situation.  I always tell my clients... "focus on one thing at a time, start small and master the first task before adding another." I started to think about all the changes someone must go through during their weight loss journey and how prepared you must be to get started.  

So before starting on your journey, prepare yourself both physically and mentally so that you can feel confident about overcoming any barrier you come across.  Here are some questions to ask yourself (and be honest with yourself... through this entire process):

1.  Are you motivated to make long term lifestyle changes?  Knowing you need to make changes in your life and actually doing it are two different things.  Be honest with yourself on this one.

2.  Have you addressed the major distractions in your life?  If you have other life events occurring such as job stress, relationship problems, illness, financial status, etc. it may not be the right time to do an overhaul on your diet and exercise schedule.

3.  Have you resolved any emotional issues regarding your weight?  Be prepared for the emotional issues that may come from food or your weight and talk to your doctor or fitness specialist about what weight loss options are best for you.

4.  Do you have a realistic picture of your goal weight and when you want to reach it by?  It is best to not set an exact number for each week.  Weight loss is very individualistic and if you are making the choices you need focus on how you feel... the weight loss will follow.

Be confident, take one day at a time, and be prepared for anything.  

oxox, Em

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